Thursday, February 9, 2012

Back To School

Wow!  I’m back in school.  This time for a Doctoral Degree.  Why?  Because It is necessary that I continue learning.  I believe in getting a good education; and I want to set a good example for those who follow me.  Now, I can set a good example without a doctoral degree.  However, it is my personal goal to place the bar as high as I can get it in order for those coming behind to know that I did nothing on my own.  All along, my journey has been tailored by God and I’m discovering that the higher I go the more He require of me.

Here are some more reasons for me to go back to school:

  • I have two very smart children who are very interested in academics.  I need to be an example for them.
  • I have a church family to lead that is educated.  As their pastor I should always be increasing in wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.  Therefore, if there is a level of understanding that going back to school will give me then I think I should go get it, for their sakes.
  • One day I will retire form pastoring.  Whenever that happens I want to still teach God’s word.  A doctoral degree will afford me the privilege to teach the bible at a college level.
  • Now is as good as ever.  This is a good season in my life to attend school.  I have the time and motivation to do it. 

Pray for me.