Thursday, May 22, 2008

Five Things The Church in Acts 2 Had That I am Pursuing.
Acts 2:1-13

Here are a few things that I've noticed that the Church of Acts had that I really want for myself. Also, if today's Church want to be a church that meet the needs of the people, it must possess these attributes.

  • They were FILLED with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:4). I can't say enough about this. Completely! My friend if we are going to change our world. It would be absolute insanity to try and do it without the help of the Holy Spirit.

  • They had the strength to FORFEIT their agenda. They simple let go of what they wanted to do. They let go of what they thought was right and embraced the things of God through the Apostles (Acts 2:42). If the Church or our society for that matter would just embrace the things of God and let go of personal agendas, I am persuaded that we would be much better off.

  • They Had FIGHT in them. Oh, when I look at this church I see a people that is willing to go all the way with the Lord. That's how I want to leave this world. I want to go fighting for the cause of Christ. If no one remembers any of my other accomplishments that's OK, if they could just remember that I fought for Christ's cause that would suffice.

  • They had the FORTITUDE to FORETELL the wonderful things God has done (Acts 2:11). Wow!!! With all of hell against them and society on a trip. They still had the mind and heart to tell of what God has done. For too often we get so lost with the concern of what we need Him to do for us now that we forget to tell of what he has already done. This church was focused on the main thing.

  • They Had FORGIVENESS. Another thing that I believe we can't work for Christ without. We need to have forgiveness - which is salvation - before we can properly foretell the things God has done. There's no way we can share with someone else - in the power that's required - what it means that over two thousand years ago Jesus Christ hung on a cross to bring forgiveness of sin to the world if we have not accepted that forgiveness in a personal way. I'm SO excited right now!!! Jesus thank you for forgiving me.

God bless you hope you enjoy.